Motorola has launched Moto X Play in India. It is sold exclusively on Flipkart. Both the 16GB and 32GB versions are available at a price of INR 18,499 and INR 19,999. The phone was launched month back it is a slightly downgraded Moto X Style for the Mid-Range market.
The Moto X Play features a 5.5-inch Full-HD display, Snapdragon 615 processor coupled with 2GB RAM. The rear camera features a 21MP sensor with f/2.0 optics and a 5MP front camera. The highlight of the device is the battery featuring a hefty 3630 mAh battery which should last 2 days of use.It also features Turbo charging technology, Motorola claims 8 hours of talk time for a charge of 15 minutes. Flipkart is offering Moto X Style in 16GB and 32GB varients both in Black and White options.
Moto X Play is an ideal phone as it features good specs for a decent price-tag, the battery makes for cons of the device. Compettitors in the category include Xiaomi Mi4, One Plus One and Asus Zenphone 2 but Moto X seems to provide a better overall experience.