Qualcomm has announced their update to their SoC line-up. The high-end SoC is called the Snapdragon 820, Snapdragon 617 for mid-range and Snapdragon 430 for low-end devices. These chips also feature updated GPU and performance improvements along with supporting 600Mbps Cat 12 4G LTE and Quick Charge 3.0 super fast charging.
Snapdragon 820
The snapdragon 820 features an X12 LTE supporting upto Cat 12 providing 600Mbps download speeds. The cpu is based on Qualcomm's custom cores called 'Kyro' . Not much info about core config and clock speeds are known. The SoC also uses a new generation Adreno GPU.
Snapdragon 617
The snapdragon 617 is not an upgrade but a low-power option for device manufactures to choose. It features upgraded LTE modem and a memory bandwidth. It also features Dual-ISP for support upto 21MP camera.
Snapdragon 430
The snapdragon 410 was featured in most budget devices including Moto G, HTC Desire 510 or Xiaomi Redmi 2 thus it was essential that it needed a proper upgrade. The snapdragon 430 features octa-core Cortex A53 configuration with four of them clocked lower for low power needs. It also features an Adreno 505 which supports Android Extension Pack, Open GL ES3.1 , Open CL 2.0 for improved graphics support.