Google has now became a sub-company or a product of the parent company called as 'Alphabet'. Larry Page is the new CEO of Alphabet, along with him Sunder Pichai who was the Product Chief of Google Products division has now been promoted to CEO of Google.While the advantages and disadvantages are many,will there be any advantages to an Indian like me, let's take a look.
An year back, Google announced Android One program in which India became one of the first countries to get android one devices.This was when Pichai was Product Chief, he knew India couldn't be a successful spot for Nexus where most of the devices was sold between Rs 3000 - Rs 15,000. Android One had a good reception but the first generation devices had somewhat weak specs. Even new Nexus devices became available in India instantly. In the nexus 4 era,it became available months after launch.Overall device availability and budget-focused products for India were brought.
All these had some effect from Pichai being Product Chief of Google.
More Android One devices with better specs or better?. Right now as of writing there is an improved Android one device from Lava but reports suggest that there will more devices in 10K range with much more powerful specs. India's Make-In-India and variuos other initiatives have provided companies with benefits for production and distribution in India which further pulls International companies to India along with Google setting up more products and services for or from India.