Apple released iPhone 6s and 6s Plus launched in India in the month of October. It was launched with an initial price of Rs 62,000 for iPhone 6s 16GB variant and Rs 72,000 for iPhone 6s Plus. At that time everyone complaint that the price was too high and most of people went for previous generation iPhone 6 which was available for about 15k less. Considering no visual or design changes were made to the latest iPhone, most users went with previous generation. Now, two months later Apple has understood that the price is too high for the Indian market and has reduced price to increase the sales.
The new price is 'good' considering other it's own previous generation iPhone are selling well on the market. The iPhone 6s now starts at Rs 49,999 (after offers can be even bought for Rs 48,000) for 16GB variant and iPhone 6s Plus starts at Rs 65,800. These prices are from Online reatilers like Flipkart and Offline prices are also about the same.
Last week iPhone 5s also got a massive price cut from about Rs 35k to around Rs 24k. So anyone interested in buying an iPhone this Christmas, be sure check out them at the link given below.